The Cheese Roll

I got locked out with my audience

Bridget Christie got locked out, Nina Conti ran off with a monkey – and Reginald D Hunter begged his ex for help. Top comedians relive their first fringe gig

Written by Chris Wiegand in The Guardian on August 14th, 2018

My show was called The Cheese Roll and it climaxed with me re-enacting Gloucester’s famous cheese-rolling competition using a papier-mache model of Cooper’s Hill with two tiny figures and a mini Babybel. It was 2006 and I was on at 12pm in the back room of the Holyrood Tavern. No one came.

One day, though, I managed to get a small crowd together because my supportive sister Eileen had come all the way from Gloucester and I didn’t want her to be the only person in the audience. When we got there, the doors were locked. My audience began to arrive and we all waited on the pavement together for ages – in the rain. It turned out the bar manager had gone clubbing the night before and overslept. So everyone left without seeing the show and Eileen got her train home.

Written by Chris Wiegand in The Guardian on 14th August 2018.
Filed Under: The Cheese Roll