The Change

I Want People To Feel Nostalgic

Bridget Christie, Jerome Flynn, Paul Whitehouse & Tanya Moodie tell inside TV about their new comedy...

Written by Lynn Gibson in Inside Soap on June 13th, 2023

Brid­get Christie writes and stars in this fant­ast­ic­ally funny and heart­felt com­edy as 50-year-old men­o­pausal mum-of-two Linda who, tired of years of thank­less tasks, dusts off her old motor­bike and heads to the Forest of Dean to find both her iden­tity and a time cap­sule that she hid there as a child.

It’s a jour­ney that leads her to the eccent­ric Eel Sis­ters; old-fash­ioned local Tony (Paul White­house); radio DJ (Tanya Moodie), and ‘Pig Man’ (Jerome Flynn) – who lives in the woods with only wild boar for com­pany.

We had a chat with the cast to find out more…

Hi, all! Tell us about your char­ac­ters…

Brid­get I’m Linda: it’s her 50th birth­day, and her hus­band is get­ting all the atten­tion while she’s tidy­ing up.
She has lots of symp­toms she’s wor­ried about, then the doc­tor explains that it’s the men­o­pause.

Paul I play Tony, a las­ci­vi­ous age­ing fool! But there’s a soft under­belly to him. I think meet­ing Linda in the pub is the first time in his life that he’s dir­ectly chal­lenged by an intel­li­gent woman.

Tanya My char­ac­ter, Joy, hosts a local folk radio pro­gramme. She’s one of the first people in the com­munity that Linda meets, and they bond because Joy’s hav­ing a hot flush!

Jerome Pig Man worked in the City, then his fam­ily was hit by tragedy. He found him­self adrift until he saw an art­icle about the forest’s wild boars, so now he pro­tects them.

Did you research the roles?

Tanya I didn’t know a lot about Brit­ish folk music, so I went really deep into doc­u­ment­ar­ies about it.

Paul I don’t often do parts in things I’ve not been involved in the cre­ation of, just because if I’ve writ­ten a char­ac­ter, I know to a cer­tain extent that I can do it. But Tony leapt off the page straight away.

Jerome I’ve done quite a bit of animal act­iv­ism, mainly about the treat­ment of pigs – and then Brid­get asks me to play a man who pro­tects pigs!

Brid­get I know! That was unbe­liev­able. Then we found out about the frothy cof­fee…

Jerome Yeah – there’s a cer­tain mix I make, I call it the creamy dreamy, and there’s a scene where I make Linda a frothy cof­fee! But Brid­get didn’t know that!

Brid­get, is it true that you bought a motor­bike for your 50th birth­day?

Brid­get I did, yeah. I was a proper biker when I was younger, about 15 to 23. But then get­ting to 50 and try­ing to remem­ber what I used to be like, I did buy a big bike. That was a lot of fun! And def­in­itely because of the men­o­pause.

What was it like film­ing in the Forest of Dean?

Tanya It was so badass. We had to spend a whole sum­mer there…

Paul It was like a joke sum­mer, wasn’t it? So hot!

Brid­get There were a lot of days where I was in full leath­ers and my gloves and hel­met, and had to do the same bit of rid­ing about 20 times in the mad heat! But I had an abso­lute ball.

Jerome Within the shade of the forest is where you’d want to be on days like that, so we were quite blessed.

What do you hope view­ers will take away from this?

Brid­get I don’t want young women to dread this thing that’s com­ing. It doesn’t have to be life-end­ing: it can be a com­plete rebirth of how they live their lives and how they feel about them­selves.

And I want people to feel nos­tal­gic: I hope I’m bring­ing them back to something…

Written by Lynn Gibson in Inside Soap on 13th June 2023.
Filed Under: The Change