Because You Demanded It
Show Of The Week ★★★★
Written by Mark Wareham in Mail On Sunday on January 15th, 2017
Bridget Christie is in ebullient mood, full of fight and oozing political passion in her latest show, Because You Demanded It.
Written for the 2016 Edinburgh Festival, the show had originally dealt with mortality, but in the wake of the Referendum she tore it up in disgust and hastily rewrote it from scratch.
Known for her fundamentalist feminist credentials, Christie tells us she has grown tired of banging on about women’s issues, and announces that she has now become the only gardening comedian on the circuit.
Her favourite plant, she informs us, is the fuchsia, a plant that made its way over here from South and Central America, ‘and very welcome they are too’. The metaphor is not lost on her metropolitan liberal devotees.
To ram home the point, she offers those audience members who voted for Brexit the chance to leave the room, with the proviso that ‘if you do leave, you can’t come back in – once you’ve decided, that’s it’. No one leaves.
Coming on like a poster girl for the Bremoaners, she delivers her post-Brexit state-of-the- nation lament from the heart.
But just when you worry that she might descend into some kind of ranting Remain diatribe, she has a pop at the hardcore anti-Brexiteers, stating (tongue in cheek, we presume) that ‘a paedo who voted to Remain is a better person than a non-paedo who voted to Leave’.
With comments like that, you can only imagine how the show might go down when she starts touring it around the shires. Best take some security.
Written by Mark Wareham in Mail On Sunday on 15th January 2017.
Filed Under: Because You Demanded It, Review