Because You Demanded It

Mortal ★★★★

Written by Tony Challis in ScotsGay on August 18th, 2016

Maybe in a frenzy of exasperation at the world, maybe in the spirit of a disenchanted Voltaire, Bridget Christie talks to us about gardening and about flowers. She talks about her favourite fuchsia and her buddleia.  She tells us she will not mention Brexit…but of course she does. And the talk of flowers leads to thoughts of the spread of plants around the globe and of immigrant species. And what they add to our gardens and landscape.

Bridget Christie  combines being very warm and friendly, and inviting the audience in, with expressions of anger and wall-clawing disbelief at the state of the world. She mercilessly slays the inanities and lies of politicians, of the robot Gove, of the “piccaninny” burbling Boris, Her family play a part, including the attitudes faced by her Irish parents on arriving in England.

She refers back to her impersonation of Charles II on stage and the confusion this caused at the Daily Mail. This is an hilarious section on the ridiculousness of the popular press and the ease with which deception can be practised.

This is a brilliant comedic performance which has a sell  out audience shaking with laughter. The fury and understandable frustration does lead the work to be a bit rough at times, but I am sure it will soon be more honed and even more devastating.

Here we have a show from a very intelligent, fiercely honest  comedian of great power. Get up early and catch here if you can!

Written by Tony Challis in ScotsGay on 18th August 2016.
Filed Under: Because You Demanded It, Review